The Biggest And Most Damaging SEO Errors

The Biggest And Most Damaging SEO Errors
As with any sort of campaign or strategy, there are bound to be some mistakes that are very damaging to your search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts. If you can avoid making all of the following mistakes, you will be putting your website in the best possible position for online ranking success:
Website Title: This is actually one of the most important SEO factors – each page of your website should have a different name that is relevant to the information on that page. Remember, search engines list individual pages, not websites as a whole.
Keywords: It is believed that some search engines no longer use keyword meta tags, but many still do so you shouldn’t neglect to use keywords in your content. They can also be helpful to SEO by showing the engines what the page is about.
Website Description: You need to tell the search engines what each page of your website is about. Descriptions have a lot of SEO potential, but many people choose to forget about these sections altogether and hope for the best.
Broken Links: This is one of the biggest SEO errors that you can make, as this gives visitors a very unprofessional image of your business. It can also cause Google to rank you lower, as the search engine expects technically perfect websites.
Alt Tags: These are actually hugely beneficial for SEO, as they tell the search engines what images are about. Many people choose not to bother with alt tags, but the reality is that they can actually boost your ranking by giving Google more information.
Back Links: Do you have any idea of how many websites link back to your own? Even if you don’t, Google certainly does. The more links to your website, the better it will perform in search engine rankings, but it is important to gradually build these up to avoid spam alerts.
Anchor Text: Using anchor text within your content can benefit your SEO strategy, but you need to ensure that you use proper keywords instead of vague “click here” phrases. This also gives your keywords (listed above) and additional boost.
Whilst these SEO mistakes are not likely to get your website banned or blacklisted by the search engines (this occurs through the use of negative SEO techniques), they are likely to have an impact on how well your site ranks. If you want to receive the best possible ranking, make sure that your website is optimised as efficiently as possible.

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